
Hello people!

This is the blogg of Lianne and Esha!
You can read here about everything ... well ... about our lifes I mean. Have fun!
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zondag 4 april 2010

My Easter Story.. *Lianne*

So,, First off al:
Happy Easter!!

My day isn't happy and great at all.
My Granny felt, And now she's in the hospital.
Soo i was going too see her today.
It's sad too see you're Granny like this..:(
She lookt really tired..
But an other subject know..>.<.

I went too 2 horses this morning..
I always go too them in the weekend.
But... I mean.. I dont think that you think that that is really usefull information.
Yes, i'm a mindreader..

Noo just kidding..
I wish i was...-_-

I was thinking,,, (can you believe it??!)
I really want too do another sport..
But i dont know wicht one i should choose..
Basketball or IceHockey or soccer..?
Or something else..>? ( but i'm really bad in soccer, So that isn't gonna work)
Please Help me!!


I'm going too play on my guitar now..
Have a nice day!!<3


1 opmerking:

  1. Hopelijk wordt je oma weer beter.

    Als ik jou was zou ik voetbal kiezen.
    Je broer speelt voetbal, je vader is scheidsrechter.
    Als je geen voetbal kiest kan je ijshockey kiezen.

