
Hello people!

This is the blogg of Lianne and Esha!
You can read here about everything ... well ... about our lifes I mean. Have fun!
Oh! And drop your comment!

maandag 5 april 2010


Hi little people,

Happy Easter Monday to you all!
I'm feeling very tired. Get up at 9.00 is way too early for me. :3
This morning, I quickly went to my friend Kimberly. We've looked at the extra dvd of New Moon that I've buy. There were such good scenes and it was very fun. Finally we have seen the sneek peek of Eclipse! I'm sooo obsessed with the Twilight-Saga, I can't help it. I can't wait until Eclipse comes at the cinemas! I'm Team Edward and Team Jacob also a bit of course. The sneek peek of Eclipse has made my day! But .. I'm still tired. And I'm hungry. Let's get a cookie before write along. *Is running to the kitchen to get a cookie*.
So. Delicious Cookie! Tomorrow it's school time ... I really didn't want to get in school to learn something. Going to school should also be banned, cause the teachers are completely exaggerated and can teach us nothing and go back to school with a trauma every day! That's pathetic ... for us!
Well I'm going to study .. Maths is killing me! Help me! Jacob! Edward! Wraaah :')


zondag 4 april 2010

My Easter Story.. *Lianne*

So,, First off al:
Happy Easter!!

My day isn't happy and great at all.
My Granny felt, And now she's in the hospital.
Soo i was going too see her today.
It's sad too see you're Granny like this..:(
She lookt really tired..
But an other subject know..>.<.

I went too 2 horses this morning..
I always go too them in the weekend.
But... I mean.. I dont think that you think that that is really usefull information.
Yes, i'm a mindreader..

Noo just kidding..
I wish i was...-_-

I was thinking,,, (can you believe it??!)
I really want too do another sport..
But i dont know wicht one i should choose..
Basketball or IceHockey or soccer..?
Or something else..>? ( but i'm really bad in soccer, So that isn't gonna work)
Please Help me!!


I'm going too play on my guitar now..
Have a nice day!!<3


That other weird girl...

Hello Hello there!
Yes it's Esha here .. finally!
Now I can finally write something.

Today is Easter Sunday. It's actually very boring. Some people are going to find Easter eggs in the woods or in their backyard.I don't do that. I'm actually pretty hopeless. I sitting behind the computer waiting for friends who come online on msn so we can talk.
But you should also stay positive! We still have Monday holidays and the week after going very fast. Actually, life is fun. Make fun with friends, go for a shopping, plague all of your teachers at school. My life sucks without Lianne. She can make me always laugh and with her as your best friend, you no longer need more friends!

But where was I?
Oh yes, Easter Sunday ...
Just make the best of it and don't eat anything larger than your head ...
Well, I'm off like a raging camel with a convulsive laugh!
Happy Easter!


donderdag 1 april 2010

It’s never the end, It’s just a new Chapter

Lianne here, Again...

I heard Esha did'nt know the password yesterday.
Soo I have too tell her that again.
And then she can wright something.:)

NOO SCHOOL tomorrow!! Yeahh!
Whaha ow and today, It's April's Foolsday!!:D
But acctually today isn't that funny at all.-_-.
I really want to hang out with friends today.
But, nooooooooooo. I gotta go to my Musical Class.:(

Esha told me about a song, Mhh, I don't know how it's called.
But its really good. :D
I really like it..
But my brother say's it's a really old song.

this is the link:

Soo i gotta goo now.